Initial Price: $0.00125
2nd Stage Price: $0.0016 (+25%)
3rd Stage Price: $0.0025 (+100%)
Listing Price: $0.025 (+2000.0%)

General Conditions of Use

1. Purpose and Contractual Relationship

The purpose of these general conditions is to define the terms and conditions of use of the connection service (hereinafter: the "Service") of persons wishing to benefit from the services (hereinafter: the "Customers") with taxi drivers, workers with the Yassir chauffeur platform, or a car rental company (hereinafter: "the Intervener with the Yassir chauffeur platform"). These services are provided or made available under the Yassir brand through the Yassir application (hereinafter: "the Application") in the eligible countries, namely Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Canada, and France (hereinafter: “Eligible Countries”) as well as to define the rights and obligations of the parties in this context.

Access to and use of the Services are subject to these Conditions. The E-consumer must read and accept them before accessing and using the Services. The acceptance of these Conditions establishes a contractual relationship between the E-consumer and Yassir. These Conditions expressly replace the previous contracts or agreements concluded between the E-consumer and Yassir.

In particular, they are accessible at any time by a direct link on the application and/or the website. They may be supplemented, where appropriate, by conditions of use specific to certain services, such as the conditions governing a particular event or a particular activity or promotion, and the said additional conditions will be communicated in the Application and/or the Internet site, within the framework of the Services concerned. These additional terms will be added to the present and will be deemed to be part of the Terms for the purposes of the Services concerned, once you accept them. In case of contradiction, the special conditions prevail over these general conditions. Yassir provides you with an intermediary service between the person working with the Yassir chauffeur platform and you, and as such does not acquire the quality or nature of a transport service provider.

2. Who Offers the Yassir Matchmaking Service

The connection service through the Yassir and Yassir chauffeur platform is offered by the following eligible countries:

  • Algeria: EURL Yassir, Postal address: Micro activity zone Said Hamdine, lot n°11 Bir Mourad Rais, Algiers
  • Morocco: 4, rue Rue Lenigrad RCE omlreit floor N°7 Casablanca, Morocco
  • Tunisia: Apartment No. B1, 1 floor, Block B Bis, Kanzet building, Rue du lac Tchad, the shores of lake 1.1053, Tunis, Tunisia
  • France: Email address:
  • Canada: Email address:

3. Definition

"Application/Applications" refers to the Yassir and Yassir chauffeur applications developed by Yassir, available on APP STORE for iOS smartphones, and Google Play for Android Smartphones;

"Promo Codes" means the promotional codes that give rise to one or more reduction(s) in the benefit of the Account or other advantages related to the Service and/or Services subject to all the additional conditions that Yassir defines for each promotional code;

"Account" means the account that must be created in order to access the services offered by the Platform;

"Conditions" means these general conditions of use;

"Client/E-consumer" means any natural or legal person wishing to benefit from the services from taxi drivers, speakers with the Yassir chauffeur platform, or a car rental company;

"Intervening with the Yassir chauffeur platform" refers to an intervening party in the context of the distribution circuit of goods and services via digital platforms in accordance with article 10 of the 2019 finance law;

"User Content" means the textual, audio, and/or visual content and information communicated during your registration, including comments and feedback relating to the Services or Third Party Services, as well as the content and information communicated during requests for assistance and on the occasion of participation in competitions and promotional operations;

"Additional Charges" means the charges payable, where applicable, in addition to the rates applicable to the Services in the event in particular of non-compliance with your obligations with regard to the participants with the Yassir chauffeur platform, as described herein. Additional charges are added to the applicable rates, if applicable;

"Services" means the services available on the Yassir applications and/or website;

"Website" means a dynamic interface available at the address;

"Prices" means the prices applicable to the Services which will be expressly communicated to you via the Application and/or Website at the time of validation of the corresponding race;

"E-payment or electronic means of payment" means any payment instrument, authorized in accordance with the legislation in force, allowing its holder to make local or remote payments through an electronic system.

4. Access to the Application and the Service

The service is accessible, subject to the restrictions provided for on the Yassir application:

  • To any natural person having full legal capacity in accordance with the law in force in the eligible countries to engage under these general conditions.
  • To any legal person acting through a natural person having the legal capacity to contract in the name and on behalf of the legal person.

The E-consumer must be at least 18 years old to have a Yassir account, and no unaccompanied minor can travel during a race. The Yassir account holder is not authorized to order a race for a person under 18 years old who will not be accompanied by said holder or any other adult during the race.

5. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

The acceptance of these general conditions is materialized by a checkbox in the registration form of the Yassir application and/or the website. This acceptance can only be full and complete. Any conditional membership is considered null and void. By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the E-consumer acknowledges that the Yassir and Yassir chauffeur applications are used only in the context of the service provider's online request to the Yassir chauffeur platform for travel from point A to point B.

The E-consumer who uses the Yassir and Yassir chauffeur applications for a reason other than that of requesting speakers from the Yassir chauffeurplatform, causing damage to the Yassir company, will be the subject of a complaint to the court with territorial jurisdiction.

6. Registration on the Website and/or App

Access to the service requires that the E-consumer register on the Yassir application, by completing the form provided for this purpose. The E-consumer is required to provide all the information marked as mandatory (Name, first name, address, and especially the telephone number). Any incomplete registration will not be validated.

Before creating your profile, Yassir must verify your phone number by sending it to one of its suppliers. After verification of the telephone number, the profile of the E-consumer is automatically created (Hereafter: the "Profile"), and the latter will have access to a personal space (hereafter: the "Personal Space") which allows them to manage the use of the Service, in the form and according to the technical means that the company deems most appropriate to provide the said Service.